I headed into 2024 repping the One-Kidney Lifting Club.
Yes, I’m going to be making that a thing.
I had this shirt custom made (Etsy for the win) because being the one-kidney bodybuilder is a big flex. It’s been 3 years since I’ve started my bodybuilding journey, and I still hear stories of doctors telling people with one kidney to stop lifting weights. Or of coaches ignoring kidney health concerns and pushing outdated research and misinformation.
This is why I continue to do what I do for this community. Because people come to me after these encounters feeling frustrated or confused—if not both. Dejected, defeated, thinking they will never reach their goals.
We of course know this isn’t true. I’m proof. So are my clients. But we’re only a handful of one-kidney weightlifters. And I’m by no means a fitfluencer, so my reach goes but so far.
Which is why, in 2024, I want to start the #onekidneyliftingclub movement. Let’s smash expectations together by flexing our muscles and our one kidneys. The only way we can change the perception is if we make some noise.